The Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing
16 - 18 October, 2019, Montréal, Canada
Keynote by Mounir Boukadoum
Title : Artificial intelligence in engineering analysis and design, prospects and challenges
Real-time systems composed of numerous sensors, actuators, and processing units are becoming a reality, and the requirements of ever increasing performance and autonomous adaptation to environmental changes make those systems even more complex. This has created analysis and design problems that often overwhelm the available formal approaches. On the other hand, complexity is common in Nature, which successfully addresses it with goal-oriented pragmatic solutions. Over the past decades, the use of natural metaphors in artificial intelligence has been very promising for solving complex problems, culminating in the recent spectacular prowess of deep learning. After discussing the limitations of current formal thinking with respect to complexity, the talk with outline some of today’s computational intelligence paradigms, discussing prospects and challenges form a software and hardware standpoint. Case studies in signal and image analysis and electronic circuit sizing will be presented for illustration.
Speaker’s biography
Mounir Boukadoum is professor of microelectronics engineering at The University of Quebec at Montreal (UQAM), Canada. He studied physics in Algeria before switching to electrical engineering in the United States, with an emphasis on biomedical applications. He holds a PhD degree in Electrical Engineering degree from The University of Houston, Texas. His current research covers the application of artificial intelligence to solve analysis and design problems, particularly in relation to biomedical outcomes. Pr. Boukadoum is director of the Quebec Strategic Alliance for Microsystems research consortium (ReSMIQ) president of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society’s chapter in Montreal, and member of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on the Operationalization of Sustainable Development (CIRODD) in Montreal. He is an active member of IEEE, with involvement in three international conference steering committees and in the Neural Systems and Applications Technical Committee. He is also a cofounder of the IEEE NEWCAS conference and Co-Chair of the 2020 edition in Montreal.